This article was originally written in 2009 for my personal blog. Since then, many of my predictions have come true. Blockbuster and other specialty retailers have shuttered. Wal-Mart's hold on the economy is not as strong as it was back then, but it is still a juggernaut. Luckily, people are beginning to see the company's detrimental effect on the economy are fighting against it.
We all hate Wal-Mart.
hate the over crowded stores, the under manned registers, the clutter,
the dirt, and the freaks that are regularly on display. We hate the
loud, annoying children running around, and the shopping carts whose wheels barely turn. Then why
do we all shop there? The answer is obvious: IT'S SO CHEAP!
fills a couple of spaces in our daily lives. Number one: it's cheap.
Most of us don't have that much money and we have to make it go a long
way. Secondly, it's convenient. Most of us are also very busy. We work,
we have families, we have a lot of shit to do. We don't have time to run
all over town to 10 different stores to get what we need. We want to go
to one place and walk out with everything we need. And what's wrong
with any of that?
the surface, I would say nothing. There is nothing inherently wrong
about getting the stuff we need in one place and at a reasonable price.
Having lived in a Wal-Mart saturated country for my entire life, though,
I have seen evidence to the contrary. To be totally honest, I have not
done much research on this topic. These are just the things I've noticed
over the past 10 years or so. Maybe it's totally different outside my
neck of the woods.
illustrate the Wal-Mart effect, let's look at our friend, the Movie. In
the early days of cinema, there was no home video. If you wanted to see
a film, you had to go to the theater. Then, around the mid 70's, the
VHS tape was invented and suddenly, you could watch movies in your
home. (We're ignoring the format wars and other details involved.) The
movie industry was, no doubt, worried about their theater revenue in an
age where you didn't have to leave the house to see a film. So, they
came up with two ideas.
films were released in the theaters first, with home video release to
follow in the next year or so. Once released on home video, however, the
price was initially very high. VHS tapes, upon first release, would
sell from anywhere between $60 and $100. Most consumers weren't willing
to pay the price to own the tapes, and thus, the rental age began.
and Pop shops cropped up all over town. They were typically small, and
only carried one or two copies of each film. Selections were normally
pretty varied and even featured "back rooms" for adults only. The shops
would purchase the expensive tapes and then rent them out to customers
for a fraction of the price. Being the new fad, video rentals were
through the roof. All was well for Mom and Pop until a certain video
retailer showed up.
could arguably pinpoint the Wal-Mart effect's origins with the
birth of Blockbuster (and other mass video retailers.) Video chains began
popping up in prime locations, and began siphoning business from the Mom
and Pop's all around them. They were much larger and featured many more
copies of major film releases than any of the small stores around them
could afford. Eventually, the Mom and Pop's were either absorbed by the
chain or simply went bankrupt. The selection of movies became less
varied, and the back room was a thing of the past.
many years, VHS rentals thrived. Chains like Blockbuster, Hollywood,
and Movie Gallery raked in the money. Movies were big business, and
everyone involved was making huge bucks. The studios were happy. The
theaters were happy. The rental chains were happy, and so were the
customers. Everything was going so well.... until DVD.
years of rising VHS sales, they eventually began to stall. The studios
began to see the end of their cash cow, and decided to reignite the
fire. They settled on a new format (eventually) called DVD. DVD promised
more features, higher screen resolution, and generally more band for
your buck. They also required less of your bucks.
their infinite wisdom (and greed), the studios, and Blockbuster decided to do away with the rental window that brought
them so much revenue in the VHS days. DVDs would be released the same
day as VHS, only they'd be less than half the price. The industry began
shifting away from rental profits and began gunning for consumer sales.
DVDs were a huge hit, no doubt because of the both the quality and price
of the product. DVD sales began rising, and the industry was happy once
seeing the revenue generated by DVD sales, a little Arkansas based
company (which had only been known for carrying household goods before),
decided to get in on the act. Over the past few years, Wal-Mart had
been steadily infiltrating America, especially in the smaller towns and
more rural areas. They were now poised to take over the entire country
and DVDs (and Cds) were the item they needed to lure people in the
first, no one was very worried about the effect that Wal-Mart would
have on the entertainment industry. If a DVD cost Blockbuster $15 and
had an MSRP of $29.99, it would surely be the same at Wal-Mart, right?
From the get go, Wal-Mart took a competitive edge in entertainment
retail. They significantly lowered prices on the media to get people
into the store. Once there, they hoped to attract the customer to other,
high margin items, in the store. Suddenly, a DVD's worth went from $30
to $15.
expected, sales at video chains and music stores began a downward
spiral. Consumers weren't willing to pay more for the same product;
especially if they could get the cheaper product at the same place they
could buy groceries. Rental profits had already begun to fall since the
product was so cheap to purchase. Over a short number of years, the
movie and music stores began to dry up.
the past ten to twenty years, Wal-Mart has become a economic force like
no other. They have grown so large and powerful, that they now have the
power to dictate prices to the manufacturers. They have cannibalized
local business to such a point, that they can use the fear of
distribution against producers to their advantage. Many small towns (and
now cities) have no music or movie stores, leaving Wal-Mart as the only
available option. Wal-Mart, itself, has become a distributor of music
with many large acts releasing their music exclusively to the retailer.
you can ask yourself...what's wrong with that? Why is it bad for DVDs
or CDs to be so cheap? Weren't they overpriced to begin with? The
problem is that, with many items, Wal-Mart has begun a process that
continually decreases a product's worth until it is not profitable to
the DVD, for example. With a $30 DVD, you can support a studio, a
theater, and a rental retailer. When you begin chipping away at that
price, you begin to lose the ability to support a part of the industry. A
$15 DVD suddenly means that it's cheaper for 2 people to stay at home
with the DVD than go to the theater to see the movie. A $15 DVD means
that it is almost as cheap to buy a movie as the cost is to rent it. It
also means that the studio is making less money, and unable to make as
many films. (They also begin to produce more generic films, unwilling to
take chances on more experimental films that may not turn a profit.)
begin seeing that price point in their head permanently. Instead of
buying the DVD the day it comes out, they wait a few months to get it
cheaper. They begin to disassociate the cost of the item with the item.
At a point, the movie's value has become so small in the customer's
mind, that they begin bootlegging and downloading the films instead of
buying them.
chains, like Blockbuster, who aren't able to broker deals with the
studios like Wal-Mart, are forced to raise the price on their product to
cover operating cost. They begin cutting back on the number of titles
they carry, and the number of copies they have of a particular title.
Soon, the rental price of a DVD goes from $4 to $1. Companies like
Redbox can easily buy product from Wal-Mart at such a cheap price that
they can afford to rent it from their kiosks at a discounted price.
the outcome of the Wal-Mart effect? Well, eventually, the once-sexy DVD
stops being so attractive to customers. They don't move as fast or as
numerous as they once did, and Wal-Mart begins scaling back on their
stock of them. The video chains close their doors, unable to compete,
and eventually customers are left with no where to buy the product. Sales slump so badly that studios move away from physical media altogether and begin offering streaming and downloads only. Basically, it's a slash and burn of an entire industry.
believe we are entering this final stage of the Wal-Mart effect. Video
stores are closing left and right, even as Wal-mart remodels stores
specifically to decrease the amount of entertainment media they carry.
Eventually, we may be left with only
Wal-mart effect is not limited to just Cds and DVDs. Wal-mart has such
control over the retail industry that they can dictate the prices of
nearly any item. Companies that don't conform to Wal-mart's pricing
guidelines often find themselves with less shelf room, and often,
sitting next to Wal-Mart's brand of the same item.
believe that Wal-Mart's influence on the economy is self-perpetuating
for the middle class. People who work at specialty retailers (like video
and movie stores) find themselves out of work and often end up working
for Wal-Mart. They are typically paid lower wages and can, therefore,
only afford to shop at Wal-Mart. Small town residents are also likely to
be limited to the few employers in the area; an area which almost
always includes Wal-Mart.
the answer, then? I'm not sure. I believe some industries have been
affected too heavily to be resuscitated. The music and video industry
will almost surely collapse in the next few years. Other industries,
however, could be saved...if something is done quickly.
best answer is to avoid Wal-Mart when possible. For many people, it may
not be viable. If you live in a small town with no other stores, for
instance. However, most of us live in places where we have other
choices. The items may cost more at other places, but the quality may
increase, as well. (Compare Wal-mart groceries to your local Easy Way or
Farmer's Market!)
Wal-Mart is not inherently evil. As with most things in life, it's ok in moderation.
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